Re-purposing Old Favorites into New Loves

ard sales. Here at the Corner Craftroom we LOVE yard sales! One person’s trash is another person’s treasure. We can find something at a cheap price, spice it up a little, turn it into a unique and one-of-a-kind item. At a yard sale from one of our neighbors we bought five frames, some baby clothes, and a baby blanket.  Now-a-days not many people have a need for frames (why by a photo frame when you can look at your picture in your photo gallery via social media?). We thought we could show you a few ideas for those unwanted eyesores taking up space in your house. The frames have a desert landscape and did not really fit in with the décor of the house. We thought they were in pretty decent shape, as they have a glass cover and a stand in the back. With some supplies you can turn any old frame into a custom, one-of-kind work of art. We set different themes for each frame, pink, teal, black, white, and one with polka dots. 

For each frame, we used:

* Acrylic paint              *     Acrylic sealer
* Jewels                        *     Poms          
* Mini flowers             *     Pipe cleaners
* Chalk                         *     Stickers
* Ribbon                      *     Spackle
* Tools: Glue gun, Paint brushes and Scissors.

 This project did not take long to complete. The most time-consuming part was waiting for the paint to dry. For each frame we put spackle on top to smooth out the indentions. Afterwards, we applied 3 to 4 coats of the paint and then sealer. Once we finished painting, we were able to finally start decorating the frames.

*Pink: Two fuzzy pom-poms, a green pipe cleaner, hot-glue gun, paint, paint sealer, and a baby’s onesie.
*Teal: Flat-back craft jewels, hot-glue gun, paint, and paint sealer.
*Black: Chalk.
*White: (This  can be used as a gift or memorabilia frame.) White ribbon, invitation, gift card, hot-glue gun, and decorative mini flower buds.
*Polka-dots:  Stickers of two sizes, paint, paint sealer, and baby pants.
The frames have taken on a new style and a customized look. You can purchase the finished products at our store at, go ahead and check it out! We hope we were able to inspire you today to create something simple and unique in a creative new way. Check out our website for pictures of the project at